11/24/2007 latest update

September – November 07

Dog of Mass Deception took a third place at the NKC Nationals on Sept. 22nd in Pikeville Tn.

We had a great APBA show in Newton NC on September 29th and 30th, Ed Faron and Don Juan Casanova were our conformation judges. Sipe’s Adelic took a 1st both days in her age division. Madame Blueberry, took a 3rd on the second day. Can’t Kill Integrity took a second on the 1st day and a first and Best Puppy on the second day. She also took a second on the treadmill on Sunday and a second on the weight pull track Saturday and Sunday. Will Do was on the competition track for the first time on Saturday. Massey, Sherman, Serious and Blueberry all placed and acquired points towards their championship both days.

At the AADR Nationals on Oct. 6th  and 7th Sipe’s Adelic took a 3rd place and Pullmaster Sherman Tank took Most Weight Pulled on the first day. Blueberry took  two second places.

On November 3rd and 4th we had an outstanding weekend at the Southeastern APBTC in Hickory. Sipe’s Adelic took a 1st on Saturday and on Sunday she took a 1st and then Best of Show. We couldn’t be more proud of her, not only is she an outstanding ambassador for her breed but she is also being recognized as an excellent representation of the APBT. Sherman Tank took a second both days and Blueberry took a third on Saturday in weight pull.

On November 9th, 10th and 11th we went to Jayess Mississippi for a three day UKC event, it was a great weekend and we had a blast. We made some new friends and saw some old friends. UWPCH Sherman Tank took a second on Saturday and a 1st and Most Weight Pulled on Sunday, pulling 45 % both days. He is only about 60 points from his next UKC weight pull title. His son UWP Sipe’s Moparr took a first, second and fourth and is now only a few points away from his UWPCH title, he pulled 45 % the first two days and 41% the last day. Massey pulled all three days, the first day was a qualifying pull the other two days he did an outstanding job and is well on his way to a title, he pulled 35% on Saturday and Sunday. UWP Lambert’s Madame Blueberry pulled 59% on Friday, she is doing awesome!

We will be at the November 30th, Dec 1st and 2nd UKC in Hickory, the APBA Tug-A-Ton on Dec. 8th, and the February 15th and 16th UKC in Perry Ga. Hope to see you there!


August and September 07 News

We have been very busy the past few weeks, Sipe’s Sherman Tank is well on his way to his UWPCHX title. We attended the Hickory UKC in August where he placed two days and took Most Weight Pulled on the 1st day. At the Middle Ga. Kennel Club show in Perry Ga on 9/2 and 9/3, Sherman took Most Weight Pulled the second day.

Sipe’s Moparr or “Peep” as we call him, now has his UWP and is nearly halfway to being a UKCCH.

Massey and Poppy need one more qualifying pull for UKC and Poppy showed in the ring for his first time at the Middle Ga. Kennel Club show on September 2nd.

Serious and Blueberry both earned their UWP titles.

Look for all of our dogs at the APBA show in Conover, NC on September 29th  and 30th, where we will be working on Peep, Massey, Serious and Sherman’s weight pull title (AWPCH). As well as Adele and Mouse’s conformation title. We will be entering Mike and Gritty in the treadmill races and conformation classes. Gritty and Will are going to be on the track for the first time and Gritty will be handled by our son that weekend.

On April 28th and 29th we attended the Palmetto ADBA Show. Sipe’s Hallmark took 3rd place on Saturday and 2nd  place in the 9-12 months female division on Sunday. Lambert’s Madame Blueberry took 3rd place in the weight pull on Saturday in the 55-65 lb. females division.

On May 5th and 6th we traveled to Ellendale for the APBA sanctioned show. Sipe’s Hallmark took 1st place in the 9-12 months females on Saturday and again on Sunday. On Sunday she also won Best Puppy! WOW!

Massey had spent the week leading up to the pull with Darrin Sipe and that training paid off. He was much more calm and confident; he placed third in his weight division on Saturday and second on Sunday.



"Darren Sipe of Southern Dixie Pit Kennels with Massey May 07".

Serious surprised us all by taking a second on Saturday in her division and then on Sunday she doubled her time and weight and placed second again. It was her first sanctioned show and the second time she had ever been on a track. We were ecstatic!

Gritty and Hallmark helped Skye and Wyatt take a 2nd and 3rd each in junior handling. They did a great job handling their puppies.




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